Tuesday, September 9, 2008

wait for it...

Oh geez - so much has happened. I apologize, but school really kicked in gear around the time of my last post and it has consumed my life ever since. Then my AC adapter went kaput for a couple weeks, and while I'm used to living without a home computer by now, it's never fun.

So let me just apologize for the delay. I promise I have much to say (rhyming unintented).
And I will get to it soon, but not tonight. If I haven't updated by week's end, email me and remind me of my word. Perhaps Friday, I'll want a break from cleaning the apt and I'll post some of the crazy thoughts that are constantly swirling in my head...

til then - stay classy, San Diego

1 comment:

Sarah Lewie said...

You know you've rocked a great post when you end it with some Will Ferrell goodness.

I WILL stay classy - thanks to you! =)

Can't wait to hear how you are!