recently, ive been thinking about friends and friendships, specifically my own, and my history.
it could be because i dont really have close friends really here in ft. worth, and i'm losing touch with some of my closest friends...
but i was starting to question some things...
and i came to the following conclusions:
1. i do indeed have a good set of quality BFFs that go above and beyond the call of duty.
2. even moreso, i do have a plethora of good friends that even when going months without speaking to each other through any format, still really care about my life and are very interested in how i am doing. they still cherish any memories we have had, and will pray for me at the drop of a hat.
3. i should consider it a good thing that i even have several acquaintances, with the help of social networking sites have been able to keep in touch. sometimes this makes me feel bad, because i have hundreds of friends and yet go weeks without anybody leaving their mark on my sites... but i realize that these people still are interested in my life, even in the smallest bit. even the occasional page-view allows them to see what im doing with myself and keep updated. if they didnt care at all, they would never have added me. i say this, because i know its true about how i feel about them. i may not comment, but i do read the bulletins, look through pictures, read "about me" and smile knowing i'm able to keep in touch with somebody from my past...
and that renewed my general self-esteem as well as my self-efficacy. sometimes when im feeling lonely, i tend to cling to a few people in order to get validation... but knowing that people out there love me, even just the tiniest bit, is all i need to believe in myself. by believing in myself, im allowing myself to have healthier relationships with the friends i do have. its a nice cycle (when its working, cause when its not, it works backwards... not good).
thanks ya'll
Free Read Portsmouth: An Old Town by the Sea
5 years ago
RYC-It was a pic of a lady showing some leg and it said "You can't Tivo this, baby." I thought it was funny, but then I thought, "Hmmm....I wonder if this was referring to a sex tape or something" so I took it down.
And T, I promise to make a better effort at keeping in touch ;(
This is really interesting, too. must have caught me in a ponderous mood :-) One of the things I struggle with is defining friendships. I want everyone in a box. And yet I think that three of the people I would consider my best friends -- you, mags and carrie -- are all over the country (well, Missouri and Texas, but not here!), and we rarely talk on the phone and only sporadically via email...and yet I feel in many ways that you're more solid that a lot of the friendships I've formed here. I think part of that is certainly history, but I'm learning too that friendships can seem falsely deep when you're around someone all the time. We've definitely made some great friends here, and a few I'm sure I'll keep for a long, long time. But I think that when we moved, it became very clear very quickly which friends were going to remain in that "top tier" or "inner circle" as you will, and which will always be Facebook friends where we read each others' notes. T, you have me blabbing again. Once again, interesting...
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